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       The film Happy, showcases people from all over the world who are living their best life, the science behind happiness, and suggestions for viewers to become happier. Throughout the film, the message of finding happiness anywhere and isn’t limited to any one person's happiness standards is conveyed.Some examples of the people featured throughout included a rickshaw driver in India. This man lived in the slums and worked day and night endlessly. Due to his loving family and neighbors, he claimed to be extremely content and happy with his life. The general aspects that seem to be keeping people happy include family/community and having people to depend on.The science behind happiness became popular in the 90’s. Studies have shown that when a person is happy they do better work, make more money, and build better relationships. In a pie chart of happiness, 50% of one's happiness is determined by genes, 40% are based on what actions one chooses to do on a daily basis, and only 10% come from one’s job, income, health, and social status. There have even been studies showing that a lack of dopamine being released, what causes your happiness, overtime can lead to Parkinson's disease.

Once people learn to appreciate the life they were given and live life to the fullest, the world could be a happier place!

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